Thursday, August 28, 2008

more on boys!!!!

Caanan is a VERY special man who is an employee of Helen's New Flower
Guest House but oh so much more.  He has been the liason between our
sons and ourselves. Each day I approach Caanan and tell him of things
I would like him to possibly explain to them and during the day he
will engage them in conversation. We've discussed the trip back, car
seats, Sarah and Andy, Grammie, etc. I also wanted to explain that
the girls' room is decorated with colors and decals and theirs was
not. We were waiting to see what color they may want and what
"theme". Caanan talks softly and Paul gives a sharp intake of breath
for a "yes" and says "no" or shakes his head for a negative response.
I hear Caanan beginning to name colors. No. No. No. Laughing. No.

Caanan finally turns to me and says he says he wants a WHITE room.
After ALL that worrying and beating myself up. He then said he may
want some type of vehicle for a "theme."

This morning I pulled up the site where I had ordered their decals
(jungle theme) and he was fascinated by the computer as well as when
the animals started pulling up.

"Monkey!" he exclaims. I'm trying to hide my surprise. Yes. And
then he softly begans exploring the designs. "Elephant. Two
elephants!" "Tiger" "Lion" Leopard stumped him. He knew "bird" but
TYPES of birds stumps him. There was one set of four birds and I
said "shall we count?" And he confidently says "one, two, three,

My oldest son has been holding out on me. I think he's been shy in
sharing his vocabulary. I LOVE his accent. Caanan says that his
ability to recognize the jungle animals is revealing that he has been
exposed to schooling.

Samuel has been getting naps. They seem to be keeping the outbursts .
. (well, I can't call them outbursts - they are crying jags - to a
degree we feel better able to cope with.

They boys continue to simply blossom. I wish I could tell you more
about Paul and Marty but I cry just thinking of how I could describe
them best. It is beyond beautiful. I'm crying now just thinking
about how to share with you.

I'll go now and try to post once or twice more today.



Karmen and Greg said...

How WONDERFUL that you were able to find a way to communicate with the boys -- I am so happy for the relationship you and Marty are building. My goodness, I am looking forward to meeting your boys!!!


Elizabeth Bergeron said...

I am in awe of what you are doing right now. I am crying just wondering what you are crying about! LOL! You are so blessed with these two boys and all you have seen and felt while visiting their country. Perhaps you will go back one day with them.

Oh, I am definately taking a road trip to meet you, your family and Karmen!!!