Mary was in VBS at church this week. She was sooooo very excited . . . maybe too much so. Sunday evening Marty and I took her along with Julia so that Julia could say her goodbyes and not fret when she couldn't find Mary. At pick-up Mary was wound so tight . . . more enthralled that they had cupcakes with sprinkles that you could apply yourself with a spoon. Of course once we get home it is about 9:15 and her bedtime is between 8-8:30, so she's pushing past p-max (maximum pressure).
Monday I returned a mite early and saw the children assembled and learning a song "Babel Rabble" and the motions that go with it. Mary was out of control, taking another girl's hands and they were in a dizzy game of spinning and such. We had a talk about what Vacation Bible School was for . . . while play was fun and you can have a great experience while learning, it was learning that should be key. And I know she cannot read the words on the overhead to the song and it was a mite advanced, but she needed to back it down and not disturb the other children that were wanting to learn the words and motion. Now granted, the number of children participating was pushing 100.
Tuesday I heard more about VBS. Kids are something else in their descriptions. She had her craft projects and such. To backtrack, the theme of VBS was "The Amazon Adventure." So, we had "trees" hanging in the hallway and the safari hats and such. It looked like fun. So Mary tells me that they went outside and played a new name that she really liked . . . called "Recycle Jesus." Whaaaat? I'm all for being green and wanting to save the planet, but ?????
"Please tell me more."
"Well" . . . she continues without seeming to take a breath (we're in the parking lot still of the church while others are headed to their cars and such). "Its a lot like 'duck, duck, goose' but instead you say 'recycle, recycle Jesus' and you run really fast if you are chosen as Jesus."
Hmm, my mind is spinning.
Then the light bulb comes on . . .
"Disciple, disciple Jesus???"
"Exactly Mom! Recycle, recycle Jesus!" I have to laugh. I have to call Sarah immediately from the cell phone to share this Mary moment and email some close friends/family members before the next day is done.
And the blessings flow. We had to skip the last night though - the sleep deprivation finally took its toll as Julia refused to sleep without her sister present and then of course Mary was sooooo wound up upon her return we were well past 10 at night. I'm still not convinced that Mary had self-control or listening skills honed. If she didn't I need to apologize to my White Stone community.
I must say she gets it from her Daddy's side of the family!!! :o)
Blessings -
Such a FUNNY story -- I couldn't help but tell Greg about it and we had quite a laugh -- though I still have to say, I think it should have been the disciples chasing after Jesus, not Jesus after the disciples ... after all we all could stand to do a little more chasing after God. Kids do say the cutest things!
To funny! Mary sounds like quite the little character ;o)Don't you wish we could just bottle up all the energy, lol...
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